About Us

Confused by the plethora of information about crypto currencies and financial planning? We agree that it is way more confusing than it should be. The crypto market changes almost daily and financial planning is a long term task with lots of confusion and risks. That is why we have started this site.

Our Core Values

Turn on the Lights

Think clearly and concisely. Information is power and we are making it our goal to make increase transparency, knowledge, and unlock the power of that information for your gain.

Think Big

In our past, we had to think big and outside of the box. That is the only way to make progress and make things betters. As they say, the bigger, the better!

Take Ownership

We say what we’ll do and do what we say. We hold team and each other accountable. We are all empowered to take initiative, make the right decisions, and act as owners. We aim to surprise and inspire with the quality and speed of our decision-making.

Have Determination

We never give up, carry each other through hard times, and recognize grit in our colleagues. We understand that building a trusted first class company is a monumental task, but we love every minute of it. We celebrate milestones together, recharge when needed, and get back to work.

Have Integrity

It is in our DNA. Integrity and trust go hand in hand. Since we have worked in the financial world for many years, we know the need for integrity. For us, it is an adherence to moral and ethical principals and honesty.

Gross Profit Financial

The Gross Profit Financial Team


I’m Daniel Stemming. I am a Data Scientist at a technology startup in Texas with interest in finance and cryptocurrencies. I’m also married to the most wonderful woman on earth, who has two kids that are my world; she’s always happy to let me geek out about stats or bitcoin when we’re not running marathons together!

My job is challenging but rewarding, because it helps people understand their money better – which helps them make more informed decisions about how they choose to spend it.

A few of my favorite things: cycling, running marathons (sometimes concurrently!), staring at graphs for hours on end, figuring out what numbers mean…and spending time with my family.

SJ Profile Photo

I’m Shawn Johnson. I am a Information Security Officer and Data Scientist at a startup and prior work for several financial and HR startups and a 5 year stint at a regional bank that focused in International Trade, anti money laundering, and creative financial instruments.

I have a lovely wife, who I met on one of those international deals and that has turned into 16 wonderful years and a kind and intelligent daughter and two very active miniature schnauzers.

When I am not learning, developing software, and thwarting hackers, I enjoy hiking, fishing and just relaxing in nature.